Gamers & ADULTS Can Really Be D.E.D. Without These Precautions!

The online streaming culture has helped a lot of gamers earn good money while serving viewers with good entertainment. Depending on whom anyone follows online, it's not a surprise to see them wear glasses. You may yourself wear them, perhaps despite the discomfort. Here’s why it's important - it prevents DED or Dry Eye Disease!

How Bad is Dry Eye Disease?

Yes, of course, the question is how bad is it if you keep straining your eyes to watch the new Sabrina video or to lose exponential RR?

Honestly? It's pretty bad but not right away. See, dry eye disease affects your blinking capacity, impacts the state of the ocular surface, and ultimately causes turbulence in the quality of life. Yeah, the smartphone, computer, and all forms of visual display are nice, solid, and colorful but they are still harming you.

The person suffering from 'D.E.D' can feel inflammation which damages the ocular surface, further causing pain, fatigue, and blurry vision, too. Such symptoms naturally also affect work productivity, and the ability to focus (for the gamers reading this).

Which are the common culprits for D.E.D.?

The common reasons a person may develop Dry eye disease are living in low-humidity areas, ocular diseases, and agining. However, it is noticed that women are likely the ones to suffer from dry eyes sooner compared to others.

Still, the major extrinsic risk is the SCREEN TIME, for which many institutions offer therapy and dry eye treatment in big cities like Toronto. Did you know that children today spend about 3.8 hours from 24 hours daily using their devices with screens (mobile, laptops, TV)?

After the pandemic, everyone is more attached to their screens, because who needs human interaction when you get free dopamine from screens?

Can I experience D.E.D. early?

A study from the Library of Medicine states that office workers who are staring for 8-10 hours or more are at higher risk of having DED. Similarly, children aged 12-13, children using screens/smartphones for a greater while, will be prone to worsen it by 60+ minutes per day.

One more alternative study also discusses that children who spend less time with the screen may possibly lower their chances of experiencing Dry Eye problems.

What does Dry Eye Disease really do?

During the time of watching a screen, a person may experience increased dryness which causes a reduction in blinking rate. Parallelly, a phenomenon known as blink incompletion also happens, causing more strain on the eyes and its muscles.

Gradually, dry eyes can induce headaches, reduce cognitive function, and make you slower than before in shooting your shot.

Whom To See for Dry Eye Disease Treatment?

Having dry eyes also means sooner or later you will experience eye pain, and nobody can do anything about it except an eye doctor. Seeing an ophthalmologist near you can help you obtain the eye tests and diagnosis you’ll need. In turn, you would initially be prescribed glasses to help you perform work on computers or to use devices.

Performing blinking exercises is also useful besides performing blind work. The latter is a concept where a person rests their eyes while working on mundane tasks. By this practice, an employee can save 8 seconds per day.

 If you are a gamer, of course, you will ideally do the opposite of what’s told, but on the off chance that you do it, it will change your life. Furthermore, if you aren’t shy about spending time correcting your dry eyes, you should dial and book an appointment today!


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